Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Day 07 – Most underrated book

It's kind of insane for me to say that this book is underrated considering it doesn't come out until next Tuesday, but I DON'T CARE.  It's amazing, and it needs more press!  Even if that press is my ranty rant blog!  Plus, this is my list!  MY LIST. 

wanderlove Pictures, Images and Photos

Wanderlove by Kirsten Hubbard

I first became aware of Kirsten after seeing a link to a blog post she wrote last June.  I thought it was very interesting as a relative newcomer to the YA scene at the time, and I did a little more research on Kirsten.  After I became an official reviewer at Wastepaper Prose, I looked through some books on Netgalley and found that an advanced copy of Kirsten's second book Wanderlove was available.  So, I got it, and I read it.  Immediately.  Without stopping.  I couldn't put it down.  I loved it, absolutely.  (You can read my official review here.)

And now we're 6 days the release, and I am just so excited.  I want everyone to read this.  It's an amazingly written story of self-discovery, and it makes me desperate to travel.  (Hey Amber- this book is definitely for you!)  Hopefully, it will not stay underrated for long.


  1. LOVE! I love this blog post series you're doing! Thank you for thinking of me! xx

  2. YES. WANDERLOVE really resonated with me! I'm so glad you're giving it some love. What a beautiful book.
