Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tuesday Telly

I hate that there are so many great things on TV on Thursday, and then there's Tuesday. There's 90210, which I think I might have to break up with, and The Biggest Loser, which I actually like to watch while I eat junk food. Which defeats the purpose of watching it. Either way, why can't Vampire Diaries come on tonight? Why must Thursday be packed full of awesome hotness? Bones, VampDiaries, The Office, Community, and Grey's? (Warning: some awesome may be much greater than others.) However, on the Tuesday front, I've already eaten some ice cream, so now all I have to do is cry over the sad stories and the drama and the "LAST CHANCE WORKOUTS!"

Speaking of tears and workouts, I am officially. For Real This Time. Trying to run. I found this couch-to-5K thing online, and so I thought I'd try it. It takes like 9 weeks, and I'll be running 3.1 miles by the end of it. It seems to be subtle enough that I could do it. I really need to do something, and I've felt like I'd like running for years. However, every time I try, I get fed up and I stop. There's no reason for me to do that. This past weekend at the AIDS walk was a real motivator to do something with my life, to do something with myself. It's all up to me, and I know I can do it.

Must go now. Dog needs petting.


  1. YAY for running! haha! how are you feeling? Are you also doing the Richmond 8k?? Running is so awkward at first, and frustrating. That's why I'm sticking with an 8k instead of trying to train for the half-marathon. Maybe in a few months. Who knows. Who cares.

    I've used halhigdon.com for all of my training plans, including the marathon I did last year (and the last one I'll ever do). They say some people are short distance runners and some are long distance. I prefer a 10k or even a half marathon. But 26.2 miles? No thank you. I couldn't walk for a week afterward. And this is my first race since (it's taken a year for me to want to run again!)

    But good luck on your running! it does become quite addictive. I used to tell myself, "if this were easy then everyone would do it!"

    I also use this website sometimes to track distance - http://www.gmap-pedometer.com/ put in your address, then zoom in/out (I usually go to Zoom 15), "Start Recording," double click on where you are, then click on points along the route you run. Seems accurate. When I started running like crazy last year, I also started reading the runnersworld.com forums.

    Sorry for the long-windedness... GOOD LUCK! See you in Richmond? I may drive out to Dia's, so I can maybe stop in Cville along the way? Take care! xo

  2. 8K? whoooooa, that is far. i appreciate your faith in me, but i'm still getting to that point where i'm excited i can run for 2 minutes straight. to think i used to be on the track team at rolfe! ms minor would be so sad. but it is my long-term goal to be able to run a race like that... probably in the spring? at least, i hope so. maybe nov. 14th will be when linds and i do our "unofficial" reunion!

    don't tell, but it is kind of addicting. it makes me feel good :) and thanks for the sites! i'm gonna go look at them now.
